Tuesday 2 October 2012

Audience Research for college magazine cover

I conducted an interview with 16 participants around the college in order to come to an understanding of what content and information my college magazine should contain. I asked them 10 questions regarding age, gender, content preference and so on.

This chart shows that the prefered content is band interviews, whilst the least desire is film reviews. Being it is a college magazine, it's suprising that only 11.43% want to be informed about the college.
The age range of students asked was between 16-18, the majority being 16.
In regards to gender, males stood prominent with a ratio of 9:7; even though the males have a higher proportion, the ratio is near enough half and half, indicating the the magazine should be unisex.
The mass majority would prefer to be both informed and entertained, and would like the language within the magazine to be more informal.
In regards to money, most are willing to pay between £1.51-£2.00, whilst the minority would pay £2.01 or more. In addition, its a half and half proportion in context to whether or not a student has a job or not. Furthermore, the spending habits of the students consist of: food, alcohol, cigarettes, clothes, games and taxi. The majority of students spend their money on food and clothes, followed by alcohol and cigarettes. This suggests that some form of 'stop smoking' campaign could be intergrated into the magazine, as well as information on clothes and advertisements involving food.
The genre that interests the participants the most is indefinitely music, whilst the least prefered is gaming.
I believe the questionnaire conducted is fairly vague, although it does indicate indefinite preferences; however to ensure that the results are of value, I would have asked a larger audience. Also, I would have used precise categories and a wider variation of questions. The questions mainly revolve round content preference and questions regarding money, I would have expanded this by asking more questions about personal preference etc.